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The Copernicus Academy is making steady progress in Central America

RedCLARA leads the Copernicus Academy deployment in Latin America and the Caribbean within the BELLA II project. This strategic initiative aims to enhance capacity development and knowledge management to fully leverage data and information services from the European Union's Earth observation program, Copernicus. The implementation of the Copernicus Academy in the region follows four phases: the first involves conducting a webinar for introduction and the subsequent distribution of a survey to identify the country's main challenges and areas of interest. The second phase entails the creation of a workshop aimed at technically demonstrating the use and scope of the Copernicus Program. The third phase entails the establishment of a national committee, and the fourth phase involves the development of a pilot project to execute specific initiatives in the country.

Countries such as Uruguay, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, and Ecuador are progressing through these stages in Latin America, while Chile and Panama play crucial roles as regional offices for the Copernicus program, providing technical support and facilitating direct interaction with data and knowledge.

In Central America, Costa Rica and Guatemala have pioneered implementing the Copernicus Academy. After over 40 representatives from government entities, academia, and the private sector attended a workshop in April, Costa Rica established a National Committee, initiating the third implementation phase. Costa Rica's National Research and Education Network (RNIE), RedCONARE, the University of Costa Rica (UCR), and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) supported this event.

"Copernicus is a central element in BELLA II's strategy to develop a digital ecosystem in the region, and Costa Rica is progressing towards becoming a major success story, using this tool," said Laura Castellana, Coordinator of Academic Projects at RedCLARA.

The introductory webinar took place in Guatemala in June, and preparations are underway for an in-person workshop in July that will coincide with a presentation at the Book Fair.

Laura Castellana, Coordinator of Academic Projects at RedCLARA, added that deploying the Copernicus Academy in Central America represents a unique opportunity to train current and future generations in the effective use and processing of satellite data and images, thereby contributing to improving the planet and the quality of life of its inhabitants.

In 2022, RedCLARA, along with organizations and programs such as Copernicus, GEO, and AmeriGEO, launched the Earth Observation Strategy, which includes the deployment of the Copernicus Academy. Since then, RedCLARA has implemented various initiatives, such as the "Copernicus Innovation Challenge Ideathon" and the "Copernicus Innovation Development Hackathon" in 2023, enhancing cooperation and utilizing satellite data to tackle regional issues like climate change, natural disasters, and water management.


BELLA II recebe financiamento da União Europeia através do Instrumento de Vizinhança, Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional (NDICI), ao abrigo do acordo número 438-964 com a DG-INTPA, assinado em dezembro de 2022. O período de implementação dE BELLA II é de 48 meses.


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