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Further progress for Copernicus Academy LAC

Further progress for Copernicus Academy LAC

RedCLARA is leading the development of the Copernicus Academy in Latin America and the Caribbean (Copernicus Academy LAC) within the BELLA II project. In this effort, Guatemala and Uruguay have made significant progress, marking important regional Earth observation advances in recent months.

In July, Guatemala established its National Copernicus Committee with the collaboration of the European Union (EU) Delegation, the National Research and Education Network of Guatemala, the National Secretariat of Science and Technology (Senacyt), the Universidad del Valle, and RedCLARA. This committee, comprised of representatives from various institutions, experts, and authorities, aims to develop a strategic plan for the Copernicus Academy LAC, promote the use of European Union Earth observation data, and coordinate efforts between national and international bodies. The creation of the committee underlines the country's commitment to scientific research and data-driven decision-making to address development challenges.

The Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI), the Uruguayan Academic Network (RAU), RedCLARA, and the National Emergency System (SINAE) signed a statement to create the Copernicus Academy in Uruguay. On 20 August, they held the first meeting of the National Committee to officially launch the committee, define its strategy, and develop an action plan. The meeting brought together representatives from universities, ministries, and the private sector to design the plan and identify priority areas.

These developments are crucial for promoting Earth observation and international cooperation, contributing to sustainable development and capacity building in Latin America. The establishment of the Copernicus Academy is a unique opportunity to train current and future generations in effectively using and processing satellite data and images to improve the quality of life on the planet.

The 4 Steps to Establish the Copernicus Academy in Countries:

  1. Webinar and Survey: The process begins with a presentation webinar, followed by a survey to identify the country's key challenges and areas of interest.
  2. Technical Workshop: The second phase involves a technical workshop to demonstrate the use and scope of the Copernicus Program.
  3. The third phase involves forming a National Committee, whose role is to coordinate and oversee activities related to the Copernicus Academy within the country.
  4. Pilot Project Development: The final phase includes designing and implementing a pilot project to address the country's specific challenges.


BELLA II recebe financiamento da União Europeia através do Instrumento de Vizinhança, Desenvolvimento e Cooperação Internacional (NDICI), ao abrigo do acordo número 438-964 com a DG-INTPA, assinado em dezembro de 2022. O período de implementação dE BELLA II é de 48 meses.


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