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BELLA II Testbeds

Advanced technological environments to experiment and innovate

Testbeds are specialized, secure, and controlled environments designed to experiment, test, and evaluate technologies and systems. These environments replicate real-world operating conditions as closely as possible, allowing researchers, developers, and other users to gain knowledge, identify problems, test solutions, and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of innovations before implementing them in a production environment.

Available Testbeds

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Status: Operating

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Status: Operating

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Status: In development

Advantages of using the testbeds

  • Technology Assessment: Test your solutions before deployment.
  • Risk Reduction: Minimise implementation risks by testing in controlled environments.
  • Foster innovation: Use these spaces to create new solutions that can effectively tackle the region's challenges
  • Collaboration and partnerships: Interact with technology experts and other testbed participants.
  • Competence development: Transfer and acquire knowledge using the testbeds as a complement to learning.
  • State-of-the-art technology: Remote access to real infrastructure and simulated environments.

How to use the testbeds?

Interested in using BELLA II test beds?

Take advantage of the capabilities already in place in the region. If you have an idea or a product you want to develop or test, or if you need an infrastructure to support capability development, please contact us.


BELLA II receives funding from the European Union through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), under agreement number 438-964 with DG-INTPA, signed in December 2022. The implementation period of BELLA II is 48 months.


For more information about BELLA II please contact:

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