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Blockchain Testbed

An advanced environment for developing and validating decentralized solutions.

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows data to be stored securely, transparently, and decentralized. Unlike traditional databases, where data is stored on a single server, a blockchain distributes data across a network of nodes, making the information more resistant to manipulation and failure. It is a database shared by multiple participants in a network (nodes).

The blockchain testbed uses LACNET's Pro-Testnet network and is designed to experiment, develop, and validate solutions on a world-class network. This environment provides innovators, researchers, and companies with a secure and controlled platform to test blockchain applications and systems before deployment. This testbed will facilitate innovation in supply chains, smart contracts, and digital identity in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting operational efficiency and security. It will also help train specialized talent, enhance local technological capabilities, and open up new economic and social development opportunities in the region.

Key Features

Secure environment

Provides a secure, isolated space to develop and test production systems.

Advanced technology resources

This includes already deployed infrastructure suitable for supporting blockchain applications, such as node networks and ready-to-use APIs.

Smooth transition to production

The network used as a testbed has the same characteristics as the production network, so no significant adjustments are required to run the initiatives.

Optimize investment

Minimize the total investment in projects using the testbed to test products and developments rather than using production networks from the outset.


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Digital diplomas

Trial solutions for issuing, delivering, and validating certificates, diplomas, or other relevant digital assets.

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Capacity building

Strengthen the learning process of technology professionals with the testbed.

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Social impact

Develop applications for product traceability, regulatory compliance, and other high-impact applications.


LACNet, the chosen partner for the testbed deployment, is an international non-profit partnership between RedCLARA and LACNIC, in collaboration with BID Lab, created within the LACChain Global Alliance to orchestrate neutrally and sustainably the two current LACChain blockchain networks: Pro-Testnet and Mainnet Omega.

Mainnet Omega provides a productive environment with high service level agreements and access to tailored support. More than 80 companies and 50 projects currently use it as their blockchain security infrastructure.

Pro-Testnet is the network used for the BELLA II blockchain testbed and has the same technical features as Mainnet Omega, facilitating the transition and migration of products into production.


How to use the testbed?

Are you interested in using the BELLA II blockchain testbed service?

Take advantage of a blockchain network, and be ready to start developing your ideas, develop thesis projects, make impactful innovations, or test your products.

Contact us!


BELLA II receives funding from the European Union through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), under agreement number 438-964 with DG-INTPA, signed in December 2022. The implementation period of BELLA II is 48 months.


For more information about BELLA II please contact:

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