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Assigned to BLUENOTE - Sept 2024 - Call for tender for the design of a methodology for the evaluation of investment or acquisition opportunities

Assigned to BLUENOTE - Sept 2024 - Call for tender for the design of a methodology for the evaluation of investment or acquisition opportunities

Assigned to BLUENOTE - Sept 2024. 

The Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA) and the BELLA II project call for participation in the Consultancy for the "Design of the Methodology for the Evaluation of Investment or Purchase Opportunities". The call is open from 15 April to 21 May 2024.

BELLA II (Building the Europe Link to Latin American and the Caribbean), coordinated by RedCLARA and co-funded by the European Union, is a regional initiative that aims to reduce the digital divide and support the development of the necessary infrastructure to consolidate and expand a digital ecosystem of science, technology, education, and innovation in the region. The project has proposed a funding and investment model based mainly on the creation of consortia that channel and integrate the contributions of multiple stakeholders in the development and expansion of the BELLA and RedCLARA infrastructure.

This requires an analysis of investment prospects and opportunities in a way that meets connectivity objectives, maximizes economic impact, and optimizes or reduces variables such as cost and risk. In this sense, this consultancy will assist in defining the information to be provided by project proponents, will support in the designing a resource allocation model according to a set of criteria and constraints detailed in the Terms of Reference, and in guiding and supporting the negotiation process with bidders or potential investors.

The consultancy should be completed within a maximum period of six months. The consultant should have experience in the evaluation of investment projects for the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure.

Proposals must be submitted by email before midnight GMT-4 on 21 May this year.  Please email your proposal to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In the subject line of the email, please write the following TdR-BELLAII-A002. 

The Terms of Reference are available in English and Spanish.


BELLA II receives funding from the European Union through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), under agreement number 438-964 with DG-INTPA, signed in December 2022. The implementation period of BELLA II is 48 months.


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