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Mexico makes progress through the implementation of the Copernicus Academy

Mexico makes progress through the implementation of the Copernicus Academy

In the framework of the Digital Alliance between Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean, RedCLARA and the national research and education networks (NRENs) are promoting the adoption, training, deployment, and promotion of the Earth observation strategy in the region.

On February 21, Mexico officially joined the countries that have implemented the Copernicus Academy, marking this milestone with an initial webinar that commenced the Academy's deployment in the country.

On June 27 and 28, the deployment progressed with the second and third steps of the strategy designed by RedCLARA. The University of Guadalajara hosted an in-person workshop named "Application and Processing of Copernicus Data" and the first strategic meeting for the formation of Mexico's National Committee.

Laura Castellana, Academic Projects Coordinator at RedCLARA, explained that the implementation of the Copernicus Academy in Mexico continues to advance strongly with the following key stages, beginning with this in-person workshop and subsequently the formation of the National Committee in collaboration with Mexican universities and government.

The University Corporation for Internet Development (CUDI), acting as the National Network, leads the entire deployment, while RedCLARA supports and coordinates actions with the National Network, according to Castellana.

Outreach in the Dominican Republic

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (Mescyt) held a meeting in the Dominican Republic to present the Copernicus program and explain RedCLARA's deployment strategy for the Copernicus Academy in member countries.

Castellana highlighted, "This project adds value to connectivity and is of great interest to the countries." During the visit, the program's outreach made significant progress, leading to a deeper understanding and firm commitment from Dominican authorities and universities. The meeting also featured a discussion with rectors from the Central American Higher University Council (CSUCA) about RedCLARA, the BELLA II project, and the Copernicus Academy.

The Copernicus Academy aims to strengthen capacities and knowledge management to leverage the data and information services of the European Union's (EU) Earth observation program, Copernicus. Currently, countries like Uruguay, Costa Rica, Mexico, Guatemala, and Ecuador are progressing through these stages with excellent results.


BELLA II receives funding from the European Union through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), under agreement number 438-964 with DG-INTPA, signed in December 2022. The implementation period of BELLA II is 48 months.


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