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InnovaInvest - Copernicus Edition

An event by the BELLA II Innovation Hub with the expertise and coordination of RedCLARA

On October 23 and 24, 2024, researchers, professionals, students, and entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to present the concept notes and innovative products they have developed within the innovation activities of RedCLARA and BELLA II to a panel of expert investors, who may choose to invest in their ideas.

What is InnovaInvest for?

To boost innovation and entrepreneurship in Latin America and the Caribbean through products and content developed in the BELLA II hackathons and ideathons. In this first edition, we will focus on leveraging the results from the 2023 Ideathon and Hackathon on Copernicus, climate change, and agriculture.

Thematic Focus

Use of Copernicus Data and Images in:

  • Climate Change
  • Agriculture

Results of the BELLA II - Copernicus Ideathon and Hackathon

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8 concept notes and 6 products developed and delivered as a result of innovation activities.
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Over 300 professionals from the academic, government, and private sectors.
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Participation and cooperation from 17 countries in LAC and 2 in Europe.

Expected Results

  • Strengthening local initiatives developed by NRENs and their partner institutions;
  • Internationalizing products and services with innovative potential for the digital ecosystem activated by BELLA II in Latin America and the Caribbean;
  • Gaining support for innovative and scalable solutions that address local or regional challenges using Copernicus data.

Invited Sectors

  • National Research and Education Networks (NRENs)
  • Multilateral Entities
  • Government Agencies
  • Financing Organizations
  • Seed Capital Funds
  • Companies
  • Cooperation Organizations

The first edition of InnovaInvest is being carried out in connection with the Copernicus LAC Academy, promoted by RedCLARA within the framework of BELLA II in Latin America and the Caribbean, to enhance capacity development and knowledge management in the thematic areas of Earth observation.

BELLA II is confunded by the European Union.



BELLA II receives funding from the European Union through the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI), under agreement number 438-964 with DG-INTPA, signed in December 2022. The implementation period of BELLA II is 48 months.


For more information about BELLA II please contact:

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